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It's Rarely Black OR White

It's usually a horse of a different color that you just can't see yet.

Being in business, especially an Equine Assisted business, brings a plethora of decisions and conundrums. Some decisions are easier than others.

Situations arise, pandemics, conflict even, and the conundrums roll out. You begin the mental mind muck of:

What to believe?
Where to look for facts and data?

Who is telling the truth? (no one usually - read why below)

What is the truth?
How does this impact me and my business?

And the list of questions rocks on.

My Dad taught me when I was young to stay out of conflicts that didn't involve me AND when things don't make sense, there is more to the story than is being presented.

In regard to conflict, there are three sides to the issue. Side 1, Side 2, and somewhere between them is the objective truth and simplicity of events. The problem arises in conflict because there is interpretation of the events, justification of actions, and the underlying agenda in play. In all things, especially leadership, context matters. This is why I stated that "no one" is usually telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. What is the truth? It depends on who you ask and there is no 100% objectivity because we all have some sort of bias going on.

Take a look at our political landscape for a really good example here. When conflict arises in business or politics, the inclination is to rally troops to one way of thinking by demonizing the opposing side. This is polarizing and not healthy in any organization. It becomes right vs. wrong, good vs. bad, good vs. evil, etc...


Leadership, good leadership, owns it short comings and offers communication with consideration to context. It is healthy to ask, "For the sake of what?"

When the vision, mission, and values should be considered, the two sides can lock down into their opinions and agenda, putting blinders on to the aspect of the why of the organization and higher good for all concerned.

My advice here, like my Dad taught me, is to stay in your lane. Don't buy into just one side of a story without looking at the other side and considering the context that all of this has gone down in. There is a reason for the breakdown, it is rarely because one side is wrong or bad. Just as in a marriage, each side can only own 50% of the fault and usually it is a lack of being responsible for that 50% that causes the blow up. Blame disempowers the person blaming. Blame removes responsibility from the finger pointer.

There are boundary issues to consider and accountability. No question. When boundaries are crossed, accountability comes into play. This is topic for an entirely different blog.

Again, if this ain't your monkey and it ain't your circus, stay the hell out of it. Reserve opinion at your discretion...asking yourself along the way, "For the sake of what?"